OK in starting this challenge to eliminate and break habits I thought I had it pretty well sorted, after all life is pretty uncluttered these days my intention was to refine, refine, refine!
In breaking a habit it has become obvious that there are some habits I needed to adopt 'eekkk' some of which I'm totally loving like super foods and raw chocolates to die for and yes a tad more exercise and a dash of discipline needed to be in the mix.
So I start everyday with an element of curiosity 'What will I either add into my day or eliminate' and in the process I've transformed some old thought patterns, hoisted a few reactions, created some boundaries, eliminated even more wardrobe clutter and as you know detoxed my inbox and as always when you put your focus on something you start to see things you hadn't previously noticed.
The other day I woke to find a bottle of Jose Cuervo Margarita mix sitting on the kitchen bench.' What does that have to do with anything? you may ask.
Well its like this
I looked at the bottle and wondered 'Why do we still have that?' after all in the last 5 years we have; merged two full households into one, given more than a house full of furniture, nick nacks and appliances away, moved to an even smaller apartment, given even more furniture and household items away, decked out my daughters apartment with even more excess from our garage and cupboards and of all those things I've given away here sits this quarter of a bottle of Margarita mix taking up space in our tiny kitchen!
I mean 'Does Gino (my partner) even like Margarita's?
How did it manage to survive? After all I'm a dedicated and self confessed minimalist!
So like many things in life it turns out the bottle of Jose Cuervo did have a purpose and it had nothing to do with Margarita's but a symbol that triggered my curiosity to ask
What else is quietly taking up space, lurking in the corners of my mind, thoughts, emotions, friendships, life that I have not even noticed.
What else slips by that I am habitually eating, drinking, buying or carrying from one situation to the next, even wrapping and packing it (sometimes in excuses) to make sure it arrives safely without asking 'Where did it come from?, Do I still need it?, 'Whats its purpose', Do I even like doing this or is it just habit?
So my question to you is 'Whats Your Bottle of Jose Cuervo?, 'Whats cluttering the corners of your mind, emotions and day that's habitually taking up space in the precious moments that are your life?
The curiosity continues!